(302) 312-5755 – Dylanaudette@gmail.com – www.dylanaudette.com
Innovative educator who designs and implements instruction to ensure students are engaged learners who develop the knowledge, skills, and understanding of the sciences. Strategic planner who intentionally establishes an inclusive learning environment through real world, problem-based learning, research-based instructional practices, and authentic and varied assessments which promotes student success and agency, including those underrepresented in the sciences. Dedicated and collaborative mentor and colleague who prioritizes student growth and departmental success through giving personal attention, demonstrating passion for learning, and working with teams to meet goals.
2009 – 2015 |
Doctor of Philosophy, Molecular Biology and Genetics, University
of Delaware |
2005 – 2009 |
Bachelor of
Arts, Biological Sciences, University of Delaware |
Teaching Experience
Professor in Residence, University of Connecticut Department Molecular and
Cell Biology, January 2018-Present, Instructor of Record: · BIOL1107 Principles of Biology I Lecture: A three credit majors-level introductory biology lecture. 130 students/semester. Four semesters and two summer sessions. Notable Innovations: o Developed comprehensive and iterative exam revision assignments that guided students to master learning objectives they had not succeeded on and reflect on their learning strategies (ex. in Appendix A2). The efficacy of these assignments at compelling student growth is the subject of ongoing research: UCONN IRB: H19-009. o Created assessments that offered students multiple chances to master high blooms-level learning objectives. Each midterm and final exam were aligned to course objectives. Objectives were re-tested on the final exam to give students a second chance to demonstrate mastery of each objective and earn back previously missed credit. Supported by a course-spanning record of student achievement on each learning objective. Common struggle points were identified and used to target redevelopment of course content surrounding these objectives. o Targeted identification of students at risk of failure by surveilling performance and attendance before the free add drop, midterm, and the withdrawal deadlines. All students at risk of failure were solicited repeatedly to schedule “what’s working what’s not” meetings. This led to meetings with 25 students during the fall 2019 semester, most of whom had not previously engaged in the course. o Implemented educational technologies to facilitate student learning: § All lectures posted to YouTube and linked to course-spanning learning objective lists (example here) to guide student mastery of subject matter. § Daily formative minute writing, and quizzes using TopHat § Adoption of low cost and open source educational resources. § Integration of the Nexus scheduling and advisement tool to plan and document one on one student meetings and share feedback with advisers. · BIOL1107 Lab Principles of Biology I Laboratory: A one credit laboratory course that explores topics related to the BIOL1107 lecture. 48 students per semester, four semesters. Notable
Innovations: o Development of a semester-spanning course-based research project where students pose hypothesis about the function of amino acids in the Malate Dehydrogenase enzyme, then design, create, and characterize mutant enzymes to test these hypotheses. Student success is assessed by iterative presentations of work. These labs performed in collaboration with the Ellis and Jessica Bell Laboratory, University of San Diego; and the Malate Dehydrogenase CUREs Community. (Example of annotated student work in Appendix A3) o Updated labs. Inherited lab manual and equipment supporting curriculum with very limited scientific inquiry or practice. Over 2019 several labs were redeveloped, and new instruments were purchased and implemented. This ultimately led to the development of the CURE described above and in appendix A3. |
Post-Doc:, University of Delaware Department of
Biological Sciences, 2015-2018. ·
Faculty Member: Instructor
of Record BISC207 Majors Introductory · Preceptor, curriculum developer and researcher: tasked with developing and facilitating curriculum that integrated introductory Biology and Chemistry content, Fall 2015-Fall 2018. · Notable achievements: o
Lead research team to investigate student
growth in self-regulation and metacognition in response to course-spanning learning
journals o Organized and hosted a multi-day departmental retreat for post-docs, faculty, department heads, and administrators from each of the Departments of Chemistry and Biology to set common interdisciplinary learning objectives and standards. o
Transformed curriculum and course goals to align
with guiding principles and core competencies of Vision and Change, NSF &
AAAS 2015 and 2017 o Designed course and lab spanning module that coaches quantitative reasoning and analysis skills for first year undergraduate students o Designed course and lab spanning open inquiry module investigating and modeling local stream ecosystem challenges and remediation |
Service to the University and Professional Societies
Assistant Professor in Residence 2018-present |
UConn Hartford Biology Tutoring Center · Summer
2019: With my colleague and Co-Director John Cooley, we organized and
negotiated funding and space for a free to use Biology Tutoring Center to
support BIOL1107 and other BIOL, EEB, and MCB courses at UConn Hartford. · Fall
2019: Hired and managed Biology tutors. Implemented a program for
tracking center usage. 48 drop-in tutoring sessions by 19 individual students
were documented in the first month of data collection. Member and researcher: Malate Dehydrogenase CUREs Community ·
Summer 2019: Recruited to join
extant MDH Cure community by John (Elis) Bell. Joined a community spanning
project to investigate the function of the loop region of this enzyme. · Fall
2019: Developed a semester-spanning course-based research project where
students pose hypothesis about the function of amino acids in the Malate
Dehydrogenase enzyme, then design, create, and characterize mutant enzymes to
test these hypotheses. Students created and validated 20 new mutants of the
loop region of MDH. Data was collected to test the pedagogical validity of
these activities in accordance with the UConn IRB approved protocol. Member: UConn Honors Board of Associate Directors · Summer
2018: Appointed for a three-year term of service by UConn Campus
Director, Mark Overmyer-Velazquez in July 2018.
Duties included reviewing, critiquing, and approving courses applying for
entry into the Honors Curriculum, as well as overseeing, developing and
approving programmatic development of the UConn Honors program. · Spring
2018-present: Founding member of the Honors Diversity and Inclusion
Taskforce. Accomplishments: collaborated in re-writing policy to increase the
opportunity for membership in the honors program and the quality of the
honors experience to students from diverse backgrounds. UConn
Connects Mentor ·
Fall 2019: Volunteered to serve as a mentor in the Academic
Achievement Center’s UConn Connects program. Mentors were assigned
mentees who were on academic probation in an intervention to help them avoid
dismissal from the university. Met with my mentee Sheraz
throughout the fall semester to help him navigate his change of major and
attempted to build intrinsic motivation for success in college courses. Mentor:
UConn Hartford Pre-Medical Society · Fall
2018 Hosted an invited talk by Dr. Victoria Greenberg to discuss her path
to become an OBGYN practicing high-risk maternal and fetal medicine, and how
women can lean-in for success in medicine. ·
Spring 2018: Developed and
facilitated a series of resume building workshops |
Teaching Post-Doc, University of
Delaware 2015 – 2018 |
Sciences Learning Laboratory Programmatic Development Team · Organized and hosted a multi-day departmental retreat for post-docs, faculty, department heads, and administrators to transform curriculum to align with guiding principles and core competencies of Vision and Change, NSF & AAAS · Founded and chaired faculty and staff committee responsible for funding, selecting, and awarding funds for exceptional graduate student educators · Selected for membership of two hiring committees that recruited, interviewed, and selected teaching post-docs, and one hiring committee that recruited two faculty members for the Department of Biological Sciences |
Selected Honors and Awards
Spring 2019 |
commendation for excellence in teaching |
Fall 2018 |
commendation for excellence in teaching Honored for excellence in teaching
as demonstrated by exemplary student evaluations of teaching by Provost and
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs: Craig H. Kennedy. (Appendix
A1) |
2017 |
Conference Travel Award to the Gordon Conference on Undergraduate
Biology Education Research Attended and presented research at Stonehill
College, Easton, MA. |
2016 |
University of
Delaware Center for Teaching and the Assessment of Learning Professional
Development Award |
2014 |
Bettelheim Outstanding Young Researcher Travel Award to the XXI
Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Eye Research |
Presentations – Pedagogy and EducatioNal Research
August 2017 |
An Intervention to Calibrate Teaching Assistant Scoring |
June 2017 |
Faculty Hands on Workshop: Yes it is a test: Exam Question
Creation |
June 2017 |
Yes it is a test: Creating Good Exam Questions |
September 2016 |
Calibrating Teaching Assistant Scoring in Large Lecture Sections;
Identifying Standards and a Strategy for Intervention |
February 2016 |
Facilitating Intellectual Coaching Skills in Student Mentors Audette DS, Martin BJ, Terrell AM, Wesolek CM, Hilsenbeck-Fajardo
J, Baillie MT, Hlousek-Radojcic A. Workshop
Presentation. Understanding Interventions that Broaden Participation in
Science Careers, Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, February 2016. |
2017 |
Audette DS, Scheiblin DA, Duncan MK The
molecular mechanisms underlying lens fiber elongation, Experimental Eye
Research, Mar, 156 :41-9. doi:10.1016/j.exer.2016.03.016 |
2016 |
DS, Anand D, So T, Rubenstein TB, Lachke SA, Lovicu FJ, Duncan MK Prox1 and
fibroblast growth factor receptors form a novel regulatory loop controlling
lens fiber differentiation and gene expression, Development, 143, 318-28, doi:10.1242/dev.127860. |
2015 |
Audette DS Prox1
and fibroblast growth factor receptors form a novel regulatory loop that
promotes lens fiber differentiation and regulates global gene expression -
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I – ProQuest, University of
Delaware. |
Professional Affiliations
2019 – present |
Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU) |
2017 – present |
National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) |
2017 – present |
Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) |
2015 – present |
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) |
2015 – present |
Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) |
Professional References
Mark Overmyer-Velázquez,
University Campus Director, UConn Hartford
Professor of History and Latino & Latin American Studies
John Cooley, PhD
Assistant Professor in Residence of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Christine Mosman
Associate Director of Student Services, UConn Hartford Regional Campus
John R. Jungck, Ph.D
Former Administrator and Mentor: Interdisciplinary Sciences Learning
Professor of Biological Sciences and
Mathematics, University of Delaware
(302) 831-6400
(302) 312-5755 – Dylan.audette@uconn.edu [DA1] –
Appendix Contents:
A1: |
commendation for excellence in teaching, Spring Semester 2019 and Fall
Semester 2018 |
A2: |
Revision Assignments: overview, exemplar, and ongoing research |
A3: |
Following the conclusion of each semester the office of
UCONN’s Provost sends out commendations for excellence in teaching. The Provost
recognize professors who have received exemplary evaluations from their
students in their end of semester anonymous evaluations. I received awards for
my performance in the fall semester of 2018 and the spring semesters of 2019.
The commendation letters are presented on the following pages.
Appendix A2: Exam Revision
Assignments: overview, exemplar, and ongoing research
Exam revision assignment that encourages students to review
course topics they had not mastered on mid-term exams.
these were necessary:
My students’ insufficient mastery of course learning
objectives surprised me when I first assessed my BIOL1107 course in the spring
of 2018. My students’ exam performance drastically underperformed my
expectations compared to the work that they had completed in the classroom. Two
things became clear after talking to some of my students and surveying the
class in the class following the exam:
Students expected that a small amount of studying would be sufficient to earn a passing grade on a midterm exam. In a
poll, ~75% or responders thought that they should spend less than 6 hours
studying course content that was covered in seven seventy-five-minute courses.
Students did not know how to study. When asked to rank the
methods used for studying my students overwhelmingly reported that reading the
textbook and rereading notes were the most-used techniques.
It was apparent that my students would need to learn how to
learn and experience the process of preparing for an exam in order to meet the
high standards that I set for my course. I developed these assignments to cause
students to review unmastered objectives and reflect on what they might have
done to master this content originally. I hoped that this skill would cause
students to increase their preparation for future exams and increase their
mastery of learning objectives.
Students were provided with detailed formative feedback on
short answer problems and a key of the multiple-choice responses. Each of these
problems indicated which course learning objective was being assessed by that
problem. Students were asked to review each problem that they had not earned
full credit for on the preceding exam.
For each incorrect problem they were asked to submit a mini
essay that:
Described why the correct answer was correct (with a sufficient level of detail to show that they now fully
understood the associated learning objective).
Describe what was incorrect about their response
Reflect on how they might have prepared for this topic
during the exam
(Exams 2 and 3 only) In subsequent exams students were also
asked to reflect on how they had implemented their learning plan from the
preceding revision.
If students demonstrated mastery of a topic
they received a 50% return of lost exam credit. Students submitted work of
varying qualities, so most did not earn full credit back initially. These
students were invited to re-submit a new version of their work that was of sufficient quality.
Through this iterative process I saw students’ reported study habits
grow, though many students struggled with just how much growth and effort was
required of them to catch-up to their peers who arrived prepared to meet course
I have been collecting data to publish the efficacy of this
practice through the 2019 Spring and Fall semesters. Results look promising and
it appears that students who revised an item are more likely to master this
same learning objective on a final exam than peers from a control group who
were not able to revise that item.
An example exemplar exam revision follows beginning on the
next page, reproduced with the student’s consent.
Example Exam Revision, submitted by one of
Professor Audette’s BISC 1107 during the fall of 2019
In this assignment students were asked to
revise incorrect answers from their last exam and reflect on how they should
better prepare for future exams.
In the question
above, this student did not correctly apply the concept of activation energy on
her exam. This can be a tricky concept; it is defined as: The difference in
energy of the reactant and transition state. However, many students have a
misconception that this results between two other
points on the graphs above. This is best exemplified when comparing the
transition states of exergonic and endergonic reactions, which the student does
in her drawing to the right. On the exam this question also asked students to
differentiate between a catalyzed and uncatalyzed reaction, and the student
relates this cartelization to the speeding up of the reaction and a decrease in
the activation energy in her plot. This response earned full credit for content
revision, though I asked her to spend some time focusing on reflecting on her
studying practices in future revisions.
A better example of
reflection is shown below by a student who originally struggled to describe why
cells would be required to perform anaerobic respiration (ans:
a lack to O2 leads to the inability to recycle NADH to NAD+):
Question 8 / Correct Answer - D (There is insufficient NAD+ to
complete glycolysis)
This question was tricky for me, due to the fact
that I didn’t put enough effort into studying why lactic acid
fermentation occurs. I have since rewatched the parts
of the lectures on this topic, and feel better about
this question now rather than when I was taking the test. I thought that human
cells will perform anaerobic respiration through lactic acid fermentation if
there is insufficient ATP to initiate glycolysis. However, I now understand
that in order for glycolysis to occur, we need a ready
supply of oxidized electron carriers (NAD+). Without them, all processes will
become backed up, which is why they need to be available in the beginning
process, glycolysis.
I really feel like I am on the brink of hitting my stride in this
class. After meeting with you twice and getting extra help from the biology
tutor Shanell, my confidence is going up. I just have to
practice executing the material that I study before the exam coming up. I have
the studying aspect down pretty much, but it’s the application of those long
hours spent studying where I am still working on. I promised myself before
college started that I would give 100%effort no matter what, and I feel that my
effort is close to paying off. It is taking longer than I like, but I am
getting there.
Appendix A3: Malate Dehydrogenase
Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience, overview, exemplars, and
ongoing research
Created a course-based undergraduate research experience
(CURE) where each student posed a hypothesis about the function of an amino
acid in the Malate Dehydrogenase enzyme, then designed, created, and
characterized mutant enzymes to test their hypotheses.
laboratory exercises:
The introductory biology labs I inherited in the spring of
2018 broadly lacked investigation and often even experimentation. Several of
the labs asked only that students view pre-dissected specimens and posters
showing the anatomy of diverse structures and commit them to memory.
Introductory laboratories are the place many students first
encounter science, and the antebellum laboratories we provided for our students
told them that science was about rote memorization and recall. An ideal
laboratory would encourage students to craft hypothesis and experiment, but
such activities are difficult to standardize and require time, materials, and
funding we did not yet have.
of a Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience
By the summer of 2019 I had secured internal funding to
sustainably expand the BIOL1107 laboratories. I purchased iPads for students to
document their work, analyze their results, and create presentations. The
Storrs campus donated used but serviceable UV-spectrometers when they were
updating their labs. I purchased centrifuges, micropipettes, glassware and
Simultaneously I connected with the Malate Dehydrogenase
CURE Community, an extant group of educators and researchers who had developed
protocols to mutate, produce, and characterize novel Malate Dehydrogenase (MDH)
proteins. While most biochemical research is prohibitively expensive to perform
in a teaching laboratory, MDH catalyzes a reaction that can be viewed using a
simple UV spec by measuring the concentration of a reactant. UConn Hartford’s
Campus Director funded my teaching-release to develop a full lab course
curriculum during the second summer session. The project I develop consisted of
the following activities:
Students were introduced to standard curves and several
standard lab techniques over 3 weeks.
Students learned about MDH and performed phylogenetic
analysis of its sequence to identify regions of interest. Students learn to use
the PyMol molecular visualization tool to model
protein structures.
Students used their results from the previous week and
their understanding of protein folding from lecture to pick a phylogenetically
conserved amino acid in MDH and form a hypothesis about how the enzyme might be
affected by targeted mutation. Students then designed constructs to perform
site-directed mutagenesis.
Students then spent 2 weeks learning to read several
scientific papers about MDH and constructing a presentation proposing their
hypothesis for study. Students used their protein models and phylogenetic
analysis as supporting data. While students prepared their presentations, my
collaborators performed site-directed mutagenesis to produce mutants for my
Students presented their work and received formative
feedback about how to improve their hypothesis and supporting data before their
final presentation.
We completed several standard laboratory exercises while I
prepared their proteins. I expressed their novel MDH mutants and purified their
proteins bi nickel column chromatography. In future semester students will
perform this step as well, but I lacked a sufficiently well designed and safe
protocol to allow students to complete this work this semester.
Following purification of their proteins, students spent
two weeks performing measurements of enzyme specific activity to support their
hypothesis, followed by a presentation of their work and conclusions.
These experiments were flanked by pre and post-test
assessments of scientific identity and practice, and an analysis of the
outcomes of this pedagogical research is underway. On the following page please
find an annotated example student report.
Example Slides from a
MDH Cure Final Presentation, submitted by one of Professor Audette’s BISC 1107
during the fall of 2019. Example slides are presented with some commentary.
group generally provided a strong presentation, but they had some sequencing
issues with their background section. They began their presentation with MDH
before describing the processes it was required for. We discussed this during
the Q&A portion of their presentation. This group also referenced but did
not include examples from their phylogenetic analysis, and they struggled to
answer why they chose their particular mutant because they lacked an
understanding of it’s
evolutionary conservation. In response to this omission by several groups I am
expanding that activity for the re-implementation of these labs in Spring 2020.
2: This
group did stated their hypothesis well and effectively
used images from PyMol to justify their predictions.
They proposed making a minimal mutation by changing the small nonpolar proline
119 to a small nonpolar alanine and making a separate maximal mutation by
mutating it to the large nonpolar tryptophan. They predicted that the large
amino acid would disrupt the enzyme’s active site (visualized by the presence
of the yellow substrate). They showed that the tryptophan (the white wire
structure above) was likely to disrupt protein structure by using the
interaction model. They pointed out the large red interaction spheres where PyMol predicts two structures are attempting to occupy the
same point in space as evidence that the protein’s structure proximal to the
active site would be modified by this mutation.
3: Students
show their final data. Partially supporting their prediction
they observed both their minimal and maximal mutants displayed noticeably
different enzyme activities. Their measurements for their minimal mutation are
variable but it is possible that this enzyme retained some activity. These
results will need to be repeated in future semesters, but the students seemed
to learn and grown as scientists as they developed, tested, and refined their
when sharing externally